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PC to Phone calls: The Best Way Of Communication

>> Monday, May 25, 2009

Call Middle East
PC to phone calls are now being made in a global manner due to an increase in the awareness about the fact that phone calls can be made from a computer also apart from using normal telephones.

The time today has witnessed a new onset into the method of staying in touch with each other. The good old telephone has now been replaced by the computer. PC to Phone calls are now the rampant realities of life with thousands making these calls on a daily basis.

Each and every new feature or facility has an underlying technology behind it and when one considers the capability of being able to make calls using computers then VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) is that underlying technology.

Voice over Internet protocol is the technology which renders the event of making a call from a personal computer to a traditional land line into a reality.

This technology is quite a versatile one and is able to bestow its services to normal landlines with the help of an ATA (Analogue Telephone Adaptor) which enables a normal phone capable of using VoIP broadband services.

However, when the question of being able to make PC to Phone calls is considered, then there are many software that can be downloaded on to one's PC.

The physical medium used for transmitting the call signals are fibre optics cables and, therefore, the speed of transmission when compared to normal telephone lines is magnanimous.


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