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How to Call Dubai and Stay in touch through VoIP

>> Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Staying away from family is just like 'being a fish out of water', and the situation becomes more worse if the ones who are closed to your heart lives miles away from you in the other country.

Hi, I am Arif Mohammad, an investment banker from Dubai, hired by a MNC here in Bombay oops!, Mumbai. Being a investment banker might give you an impression of a tuxedo donning handsome gentleman with a laptop in his hand. But that is not the exact case with me, I as an investment banker, have to devote 48 hours out of 24, to my clients which hardly gives me any time to call Dubai, my native place. Moreover, even in this advanced world of Information Technology, where technology has helped people to cross physical barriers quite convincingly, I still have to think twice about calling my people back home.

Okay, I know, what you people must be thinking, as most people would had it, 'earning rich moolahs as a investment banker and a miser when it comes to talking to his family'. But that is not the case with me, mobile phone though might have been the legendary offspring of the ever-progressing information technology but service provider people, definitely not! Yes, of course, I have to look after my monthly budget and take care that the length of my chatting session does not gets reflected into monthly mobile bills. So, what to do ? I tried to locate a cheaper alternative of communication and bingo! I finally spotted it and, guess what, it is the VoIP calls.


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