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Cheap International Calls at Local Rates

>> Monday, December 15, 2008

Imagine a situation, a young man in his early twenties, desperately looking for a phone booth around his colony. After toiling hard, he finally manages to locate one. He enters the booth and quickly dials a number. The number dialed by the desperate looking boy, connects with someone sitting in the foreign country. It is his lady love, who too is anxiously waiting for his call. As soon as the phone rings, she picks up the phone and starts to talk with her love. Soon after a romantic conversation follows but comes to an abrupt end, as the line goes dead on the other side. What happened, the boy who was on this side of the phone failed to check out the bill metre and as soon as the credit limit expired, the line went dead. Sad of course, but it is the truth of daily life. Several young hearts even today have to shell out large amount of money, to call their loved ones, sitting somewhere in overseas land. But not any more since, as after the evolution of the of VoIP, i.e., Voice over Internet Protocol, one can avail the benefits of calling his/her loved one at very subsidised rates. If you still don't believe it then read on.

The concept of VoIP is not new to the world of Information technology, but the only thing that it was shadowed by the likes of Internet and mobile phones for a considerable period of time. But soon, it made its entry into the global stage and slowly started gripping the whole world. Reason, this was one technology that ensured that a smoothly streamlined communication is done between the one corner of the world to the other wirelessly. The best part of this technology was its cost-efficiency, which attracted a lot more people towards it. Other factors such as ASR (Average Success Rate) and ADD (Average Dialing Duration) too exhibited its edge over the other existing communication technologies in the entire world.

Slowly and gradually, communication corporate giants who earlier were refraining from using it as their back-up source, quietly induced it in their network, in order to shoot up their profit margin. The result, well, in no time, the hype-hoopla circulating around the concept of international call came to permanent dash and converted into the cheap international calls. Even the once most expensive calling plans after its induction suddenly transformed into cheap calling plans. This was not restricted to the basic landline telephone, but brought down a positive affect on the mobile phone tariff too. Within no time, people began to take advantage of these cheap mobile calls and cheap international mobile calls.

Frankly speaking, this concept of cheap international calls has done a world of goods to the world of communication. Now one does not need to spend time in understanding the tedious mobile phone calling tariff or get into the depth of it, as no longer people will be using them. Although, cheapest calling plans have arrived on the scene, be it late but still better then never, but that certainly does not mean, it is the end of it. The world of communication still has a long distance to go and despite such a tremendous reductions in the international calling rate structure, companies which are dealing in this domain still need to reduce it further, so as to extend the benefit of this scheme to the maximum persons and to the remotest part of the world.


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