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Free Phone Calls Keeping the Whole World Connected

>> Thursday, November 6, 2008

Distances matter a lot in keeping the relations going strong or watching them fade away with time. Communication is the only mean by which we can reduce the distances to nothingness. At least, a regular verbal interaction is a must. Gone are the days when we had to think twice before making an international phone call. With the advancement in technology, it is not such a big deal now. Long distance calls have become cheaper than ever and this is due to the advent of new and innovative technologies which are not only befitting our budgets but are also our priorities.

Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) is a technology that has taken birth decades ago, in the year 1973 to be precise, but has gained popularity recently. Since it has found its usage in the telecommunication industry, it has swept everyone off their feet by its commendably affordable services and impressive performance. The IP telephony services have come as a reason to celebrate for all those who were sick and tired of the heavy phone bills. This technology has made way for almost free phone calls. Free calling which used to seem impossible few years back is now a matter of a few keystrokes.

If you still thing free international calls or international calls at local rates are over-hyped statements, you must subscribe to the VoIP services to believe in them. All you need is a high speed Internet connection and an efficient service provider. That's it! Free calls are no longer impossible to achieve. Make unlimited calls to destinations all over the globe and experience the difference.

The traditional PBX (private branch exchange) is now a passé. The whole world has found a better mode of worldwide interaction. The VoIP technology scores over it in almost every aspect. The complexity factor which was involved in the traditional communication media has been ruled out for good from this new medium. The open source VoIP facilitates message exchange through the Web. It accepts the analogue signals from the phone to digital data that can be transmitted over the Internet.

The customer is charged for the monthly internet service and the calls he makes is practically free of cost. The free international phone calls are more of a boon to the customers as it was literally unthinkable to talk seamlessly to overseas destinations at such low prices some time ago.

VoIP has made matters unimaginably smooth for the large scale businesses and corporate houses as the communication expenses that took a large share of their revenue, have now been reduced by a mammoth percentage. Now the frequent international correspondences in a bid to achieve globalisation the businesses are within their reach. VoIP has given a boost to customer service agencies and has given an option for the companies to look for relatively less expensive and skilled labour in India or China, so that they can maximise their profits. The customer care executives assist the foreign customers from their own countries. The International calls no longer give us creeps as they are just nothing as compared to the previous phone bills.

VoIP technologies don't consider the distances going by the fact that they work on the same principle in which the Internet technology operates. An Email or an Instant Message to a person abroad costs the same as that to some one in your vicinity. So, get, set and go with free calling as the VoIP craze is on an all time high.

The idea of free Internet calls is definitely lucrative and thus a large part of this interconnected world has switched over to VoIP telephony. It needs just a phone call to the service provider of your locality and you get instant VoIP activation. Get rid of the poor voice quality, numerous intervening telephone exchanges and the high call rates. The IP phone system is an ultimate respite from all these hassles. The voice quality is impeccable. All these advantages in addition to free phone calls, there is no reason why you should not switch over to VoIP.


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