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Free PC to Phone Calls: Shrink The World With VoIP

>> Monday, October 20, 2008

Does the thought of phone bills gives you creeps? Do you still dread the post which may bring your phone bill? Then you surely need the VoIP telephony remedy as it is known to have given relief to numerous others like you smitten with communication expenses.

The days of huge telephone bills and a heavy load on the budget are over. Now begins the phase of truly unlimited freedom of communication at a cost which is surprisingly low. The calls rates have lowered down to a ground level. The long distance calls are cheap as chips. You can keep on talking to your relatives based abroad for hours without bothering about the call charges. Thanks to the VoIP technology which has altered the way we used to look at our bills. Earlier it was a shock, now it certainly is a smile.

The VoIP technology is a new but a very utile human achievement. It has shrunken the world even more. Now you don't have to think twice before dialing up a long distance call. Those who think Internet is a wonderful tool to stay into the loop of this interconnected world, would love VoIP even more. This technology is a superb solution branching from the principle on which the Internet works. The basic logic behind the formulation of VoIP technology, is the conversion of analogue signals into the digital signals so that the same can be received at the other end. The whole procedure works on the signal reception capability. Connecting normal phone or the traditional PBX to the Internet is enough to exploit the benefits of VoIP technology. The use of ATA converts the analogue signals from the phone to digital data and transmits it through the Internet. Hence, a call through VoIP is just like an Email or Instant Message through the Internet.

The cost factor reduces to a mammoth amount and the user gets a number of other features as well. Routing the calls from PC means no consideration of the distance factor. An overseas Email costs you the same as a domestic one. Same is the case with calls. Overseas calls ain't costlier than local calls through VoIP. The IP telephony facilitates PC to phone calls that means your PC does all the talking.

Cost-effectiveness is the prime feature which makes the VoIP industry touching a figure of $7 billion. People who are really tired of spending a fortune for phone bills are switching over from conventional phones to VoIP quite easily. Freedom from a wholesome drainage of hard-earned money is definitely a tempting offer.

When the businesses all over the world heard about the VoIP telephony, they got a smell of huge profit, because the idea was definitely going to mint money for them. The VoIP technology had the potential to create a stir in the whole world. So they grabbed the opportunity and established their foothold in the VoIP industry which was gradually gaining pace.

Through the IP phone, customers can not only gain an added advantage in terms of cost but can also benefit from the outstanding attributes that the VoIP technology comes with. The customers can avail the VoIP services from anywhere around the globe. They get instant activation, a genuine, transparent billing system, online billing portals etc. just call in your nearest service provider and enjoy free PC to Phone calls for the rest of your life.

The long distance calls are made as affordable as never before. The customers could not for a long time believe that the it is possible to make international calls at local calls. But this indeed is a reality. The call rates have been brought down and communication has been brought within the reach of people all across the world.

Almost free calling from PC to phone is enough to incite the customers to let the VoIP phone system into their houses. A decade ago, free phone calls were nothing more than far-fetched dreams. Today it is a reality and luring you to go ahead and grab the facility as soon as possible.

Those who stay away from their family find PC to phone calling as a boon for them as they now can constantly remain in touch with their family without getting their pockets dented.

Free PC phone is definitely a great idea to escape from the monthly shocks which the bills use to give. Try the PC to phone calls and experience the relief.

Shrink the world with VoIP


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