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Now Making International Calls is Not a Big Deal

>> Saturday, August 23, 2008

The second half of the last century, proved to be very fruitful for the whole world. Yes, this was the time when communication methods like mobile phones and Internet emerged globally. Mobile phones were trendier and an improved version of the basic telephone, thus took no time in getting popular. On the other hand, though Internet took some time to come into the spotlight, but when it did, it did not looked back. These two revolutionary methods laid the foundation of the modern communication. Gradually they became the part of daily lives of people. But after that, a time came when people felt an acute shortage of a more cheaper method of communication. This acute need lead to the emergence of VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) on to the global scene. This technology though actually was quite old but most of the people neglected it until a time came when the need of it was felt. This technology is currently being used by many social networking websites, and very soon it is anticipated that it will enter into the daily lives of the people.

Now people can make international calls at surprisingly low rate. This facility has come at the right time as there is a large deficiency of quality call plans. Moreover, though in recent times, call rates have gone down significantly but even then making calls overseas is regarded as a big deal even today. Another main reason, that can be cited for the new-found popularity of these cheap international calls is the absence of trust of common people on the network providers. According to most of them, the lucrative call or tariff plans that are offered by the network providers, contain hidden charges and costs. This knowledge is gained by people only after subscribing to these plans. But now there is nothing to worry about, as international calling has now become very cheap.

As a prospective user, people can use this facility either by approaching the nearest cybercafe or by buying a personal computer enabled with high-speed broadband connection. The best thing about making these cheap international phone calls, is that not only the rates are cheap, but also the quality of service that is provided under this facility is of world class standard. This can be easily determined by observing its two most important factors. One of them is PDD (Post Dial Duration), which is on the lower side of the facility. While the other factor ie ASR (Average Success Rate), is quite high. This itself tells everything about the quality of service that is being provided by these social networking websites. Now seeing a phenomenal rise in the number of the users, it is expected that in coming future, people can see more social networking websites coming on to the scene. While those websites, which are already in this business are putting in their best efforts to make sure they capture more and more customers. As a part of promotional tactics, most of these social networking websites are even offering the chance to make international calls for free (but only for few minutes). But this scheme could vary from one website to another.

This facility of making cheap international calls has emerged as a wish come true for the likes of students. Especially for those who have come far from their homes, to study. This facility is a boon for them, since it is exceedingly difficult for any student to call back home, as the call rates may not be in their reach at all. That's why now more and more students, specially those who are in college are making the most of this ground-breaking facility. Another main feature of this international phone calls service is that, the user gets to enjoy a fluent and disruption-free talk session. Also as the sound quality too, is also very exceptional, which is why talking via this cheap calls facility, is an absolutely delightful experience.

Not a big deal!


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